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Racepak Pressure Sensors


These V-net module/sensor assemblies are pre-programmed for the uses indicated. They are ready to plug & play.

Vacuum sensor at the bottom of the list:Vacuum Sensors

How to mount pressure sensors Pressure Sensor Facts

Mouunting solutions

Replacement SENSOR component

Pro Analog Transducer Box

Vacuum at the bottom of this sction.

     The following kits include the blue plastic V-net module with 4' cable and sender as pictured above.

Pressure sensors    -  Fuel - Oil - N2o

 Pressure, Oil, 0-150 psi 220-VP-PT-OP150
 Pressure, Fuel, Carburetor, 0-15 psi 220-VP-PT-CP15
 Pressure, Fuel, Pump, 0-75 psi 220-VP-PT-PP075
Pressure, Fuel, Pump, 0-150 psi 220-VP-PT-PP150

Pressure, Fuel, Pump, 0-300 psi

Pressure, Oil, 0-150 810-HP-HOSEX required below 220-VP-PT-OP150
Pressure, Fuel, Nozzle, 0-150 psi 220-VP-PT-PP150
Pressure, Fuel, Nozzle , 0-300 psi 220-VP-PT-PP300
Pressure, Fuel, Nozzle , 0-500 psi 220-VP-PT-PP500
Pressure, Nitrous Bottle #1, 0-1500 psi 220-VP-PT-N1
Pressure, Nitrous Bottle #2, 0-1500 psi 220-VP-PT-N2
Pressure, Nitrous Fuel #1, 0-15 psi 220-VP-PT-NF115
Pressure, Nitrous Fuel #2, 0-15 psi 220-VP-PT-NF215
Pressure, Transmission, 0-500 psi 220-VP-PT-TP500
Pressure, Brakes, 0-1500 psi 220-VP-PT-B1500
Pressure, Manifold Boost, 0-75 psi 220-VP-PT-BST75
Pressure, Turbo Exhaust back pressure must have backpress mount 220-VP-PT-EP175
Pressure, Absolute, Manifold (MAP), 0-30 psi 220-VP-PT-MAP
Wheelie bar Right/left

Wheelie bar load cell 800-SN-WBLOAD
Vacuum, Pan, 0-30 In. hg This is the Pan vac sensor kit for checking the vac pump. 220-VP-PT-PVAC
Pressure/Vacuum, Manifold, 30-0-30 220-VP-PT-BVAC


Generic 0-150 and 0-1


Replacement Sensor Component



 Replacement sensor


Generic Racepak stye pressure sensors

same vendor supplying Racepak

Pressure810-HP-HOSEX required for oil pressure above



 Replacement sensor


Genuine Racepak supplied sensors

Pressure810-HP-HOSEX required for oil pressure above


Replacement V-net Component

 Replacement v-net module


If you have the pressure sender - but need the V-net module .


Specify the item AND the range in the note.

ie; Fuel pressure 0-300


Sensor Plug


 Delphi P2S connector for pressure sensors mating to V-net module


    1 lbs

This connector - terminal is used to repair a Vnet module. This plug goes into a pressure sensor

Click here for the crimper


Single wire Oil Pressure Sender for Replay, Street Rod and Logger dash kits


 Replacement sensor


0-100 Range -for oil pressure

0-15 available from Summit and other vendors 82504-F

Includes cushion mount and wire terminals.

Pressure Sensor mounting Solutions

Oil pressure mounting hose


 oil pressure hose


Oil pressure hose. Required to avoid damage to the sensor.

4" length 1/8 NPT male / female ends

  Pressure manifolds

WEB Price

1/8" NPT 4 port sensor manifold.

Pressure sensors should not be monted in engine block.

4 independent ports, each with 3 inlets/outlets, allows for the remote mounting of transducers which eliminates inaccuracies due to vibration and heat

Click to expand

This block is very flexable with 1/8 npt ports on 3 sides. It does comes with 4 1/8" NPT plugs for any unused ports. Typicaly mounted on the firewall with AN -3 or -4 hoses running to the pressure source.

Trans Pressure Sensor Mount

  Pressure manifolds

WEB Price

Cushion mount for Transmission Pressure sensor. Includes 810-XP-HOSEEX.

Does not include sensor.


Click to expand

Pro Analog Transducer Box


 Pro Analog box - 4 sensors


    1 lbs

The Pro-analog box holds up to 4 drop in pressure modules. This is what you see on all the Pro Stock, Pro Mod type cars. It requires you to run appropiate hose to your pressure source. The advantages are durability and ease of maintenance.

This is the new box which was released in mid 2011


Note: this is an empty box - with 4 modules below total price around $1500.

9" long (including some wire -7 1/2 mount holes), 1 1/2" tall, 1 1/2" deep (+ your fittings)

New box only dims
5.75” long
1.5” wide
1.25” tall

Old Box only Dims
6” long
3.25” wide
1.5” tall





 Pressure Sensor Facts

- A typical RP Vnet sensor (like oil pressure) consists of the Vnet module and the sensor.
- Cost of the two pieces is $250 but if you need to replace sensor component, the price is $179 (which is higher than some data logger companies and lower than others) also, if you can get generic industrial sensors they will work.
- Reliability of the sensor component should be the same as sensors supplied by by any data logger company using any brand quality industrial sensor. Pressure sensors actuall have a printed circuit board inside - see the pic below.
- RP single wire oil pressure sensors that come with the dash kits are problematic. RP supplies a soft mount kit for them which fixes most but not all problems. These sensors are $39 and and you get what you pay for.
- Harmonics are hard to quantify/measure - I have tractor pull guys and motorcycle land speed guys who can kill any pressure sensor in 15 seconds if mounted in the engine block. But lots of bracket racers guys get away with it.

- I scanned the WEB (11-10-11) and here is what I cam up with on pricing for various data logger pressure sensor prices: Autometer $179 (JEGS), RPM performance $107, $224 Altronics, $229 Computech and $179 Racepak. Some of those prices do include a cable so it's still not apples to apples.
- RP recommends soft mount of all pressure sensors.
- Generic sensors work on with Racepak V-net modules. The specs are 0-xxx PSIG, .5-4.5 volts output with a 5 volt supply and Packard connector. I sell them here - not trying to undercut RP sensor sales, just supply an alternative for guys who do have the sensor solid mounted - the wheelie bar sensor is an example of one that get beat up by some teams. You can Google or ebay search "pressure transducer xxx psi" then refine with the specs above if you want to search. You'll find there are 8 billion choices and I don't think it's worth your time.



How to mount pressure sensors.

Pressure sensors can be damaged if mounted directly to engine blocks and other rigid pressure sources in your race car. In order to avoid damage, remote mount the sensor.


Use AN -3 line and 1/8" NPT -3 adapters to connect the sensor to your pressure source.


Thanks to Scott Smith, Montgomery Alabama for theses pictures!

Dragster / tube mount using two cushion clamps
Vac sensor feed from valve cover using 1/4" plastic line & bulkhead fitting (no welding) with sensor remote mounted.
Vac sensor mounted on dragster mid-plate.
Transmission Pressure remote mounted on Power glide using Racepak 810-HP-HOSEXT hose feeding from servo cover. Cushion clamp and bracket to trans pan bolt.

Turbo back pressure temperature/vbration isolator. This is a DIY item. Racepak nor any other company I'm aware of offers it.





