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Racepak V300SD - V500SD

Racepak has changed things with the V300SD and V500SD:

1. All systems get the more powerful "standard" software software at the lower cost. The Litesoftware has been discontinued. Older V300sd's get the lwvel 12 or standard software with version 5.0 of Datalink avaialble fo download from Holley.

2. You can choose between a "locked & serialized" unit or generic. The locked units use the license disk secuiy method we have seen for years. The generic units eliminates that concept - most racers will want the generic.



RPM, Drive Shaft RPM , 2 g-meters, and volts, software, harness, laptop accessories

Does not include DS collar

The GOLD STANDARD in drag race data recorders.


RacePak V300SD.

If you wold like a serialzed unit mention it in the notes. 200-KT-V300SD1S



RacePak V500SD


Click here to order a DS collar

V300 V300SD Roll bar mount

Sizes available: 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 3/4"


V300SD - V300 roll bar mount



V300 V300SD Dragster - Off Road mount

For tube sizes: 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1 1/8"

Pictured on dragster steering shaft cross tube with logger mounted upside down - SD card is accessible above divers knees.

Can also rotate 90 degrees to mount unit parallel with tube Pic of Sportsman using the other holes for parallel with bar mounting.

Spacers and bolts included to allow best fit. Spacers & bolts

V300SD - V300 dragster mount



V300 V300SD V500 V500SD License Disk


specify unit serial number in the note section.

This USB comes with your new kit. If you purchase a used Racepak unit (models listed above - not used on Sportsman, IQ3 Drag/Street) you will need this to get your laptop setup.



License disk


V300SD Main Harness

V300SD main harness - will require record button and MSD tach pig tail harnesses if you do not have them.

V300SD only - NOT V300.

select door car or dragster - cable lenghts:

  • Door Car Power 11', Record 12', Tach 12', DS 6'
  • Dragster: DS 15', Record 3', tach 3', Power 3'

NOTE: this does not include the yellow clutch cable - 280-CA-YL132CT . Order below if needed.

I recommend starting the data log with an automtic log trigger of 5000 RPM. This way you don't have to push the button or even wire it up.



V300SD main harness - no record button, no tach pigtail



V300SD main harness with record button & MSD pigtail. (280-SW-BUTTON3 280-SW-BUTTON3)



clutch cable


    Click Here for Laptop accessories, spare SD card etc.

Click here for Molex connector kits used on V300 V300SD V500SD harness.


- what is the difference between lite and standard software?

The standard software is a $561 upgrade and provides the following capabilities:

  • Math channels
    Required for the Video option
    Required for the Ignition Timing option

FAQ - what is the difference between the Racepak computer and my laptop computer?

  • Many racers refer to the Racepak recorder located in the race car as "the computer". It's a little more accurace to call the box in the car a recoder or logger. Then the laptop is used to view the run logs in graph format to learn whar went on in the run/lap.

  • V300SD has 67 channels with 56 vnet the V300 has 32 vnet channels.

FAQ - what is the difference V300SD and a V300?

  • V300SD records on to a SD card which is removed, taken to the laptop and inserted in a cad reader to pickup the run. The V300 requires a cartridge or direct hookup with the laptop and hold one run. You must download each run or the next will overlay.

  • V300SD has 67 channels with 56 vnet the V300 has 32 vnet channels.

FAQ - what is the V300 clutch option

  • Sensor (to be installed in the candlestick), magnet (to be installed in input shaft)

  • This sensor is to be plugged into the green/yello wire of the V300 harness

  • 3 math channels are enabled
    1. % of slip
    2. engine to input shaft ratio
    3. trans to shaft ratio

Channels from the MSD Powergird. (Requires Racepak DataLink II Software version 3.7.5 or newer)
  1. Engine RPM
  2. Engine Timing Map
  3. Launch (Limit RPM)
  4. Burn Out (Limit RPM)
  5. Gear
  6. Step 1 (On/Off)
  7. Step 2 (On/Off)
  8. Step 3 (On/Off)
  9. Step 4 (On/Off)
  10. Step 5 (On/Off)
  11. Shift Light (On/Off)
  12. Output Switch (On/Off)
  13. Rev Limit RPM


